Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tatoos and Tater Tots

I'm going to get a tattoo soon and I wanted to share why. I think it is a beautiful expression of something that is inside you. I think it should be divinely inspired and as silly as it sounds I feel I was inspired by the Lord to get a sun tattoo on my foot (yes, one of the most painful places...). When it struck me initially I was thinking about a few verses in particular, but have since kept finding more and more meaning. The two that stick out the most for me are Psalm 119 and Revelation 21. Psalm 119 contains the well known verse "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path," however, if you look at the entire psalm you see that it really is entirely about God leading us on the right path. It begins with "Blessed are those who are blameless, who WALK in the way of the Lord" and continues on to explain what this looks like, how God keeps us on this path, etc. It is a great description of our walk here and now. However, there is more than just the here and now. God shows us something greater in Revelation when he describes a new heaven and new earth. In Revelation 21 a description of this is given and it says that "The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. 24The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it." It is just a reminder to me that there is something more! Something greater! That as much as the sun is an amazing gift to us that is huge and awesome, God made it...and He is bigger and more awesome and more shiny? :)

So...that's all I've got to say about that...and the tater tot thing...well, I was just thinking about the Daniel fast I'm doing and about Daniel's Daniel Fast in the bible, and how I complain (sort of jokingly, but complain none the less) about not being able to eat things like meat, but I still have the ability to eat way more than Daniel probably got to because I have access to food from every single country on this crazy is that? Basically this thought came upon a potluck at Eaglepointe this morning at which someone made tater tot casserole (hotdish) and I thought to myself, I can eat tater tots on my fast!!! But I couldn't really because of all the other stuff in the hotdish. But then it got me thinking about how technically that is within the guidelines of the fast, as well as things like salsa and potato chips (as long as they are all natural and only have potato, salt, and oil). So I mean, come on...Daniel definitely didn't have things like that. I'm really not that bad off, even doing this fast where I can't eat meat, sugar, dairy, bread etc.

More on both of these things later, but here is a link to a website that inspires me. Art Deco is cool! The stained glass sun about half way down is very close to what my tattoo will look like, although not exactly like that.

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