Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Michelangelo at 1 in the morning. Yes please.

I feel full of fun facts this week since it is finals and all you do during this time is cram knowledge into your head like it's going out of style. I just spent the past the past 6 hours straight studying for my beverage survey final and then my english lit final, both of which are "this morning" meaning in a few hours...but no worries, I promise to sleep in between now and then. I just wanted to take a break and share an interesting poem written by Michelangelo (yes, the one who sculpted "David" and did the Sistine Chapel. He was also a poet). He struggled throughout his life with sin. I wish I knew more about him, but I don't know what the outcome was. I do know that he was searching...check out this poem.

I wish to want, Lord, what eludes my will:
between your passion and my heart a block
of ice deflects your fire, and makes a mock
of everything I write with perjured quill.
I love you with my lips, then groan that still
your love can't reach my heart, nor will it knock
and force the door, that joys of all kinds flock
about my heart, your purpose to fulfill.
Dissolve that block, my lord, tear down the wall
whose thickness keeps me from the piercing light
of your sweet presence, no longer seen on earth.
Be like a bridegroom, let your brightness fall
upon a yearning soul which at your sight
is warmed at heart, having from you its birth.

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